Domingo, 20 de dezembro de 2015
Percurso.: Pedal pela região de Campinas.
Encontro 01.: Portão 01 da Lagoa do Taquaral
Horário de Saída.: 07h00 com 15 min. de tolerância
Km aprox.: 25 Km
Dificuldade física e técnica: indicado para INICIANTES na prática do ciclismo MTB.
"Obrigatório o uso de Capacete"
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Vamos nessa e convidem suas amigas!
Fátima Souza.: 99132-8496
Pedro Caldas: 98111-3963
Marcia.: 99119-2008
last so the next one is glucosamine and thesis basically for joint recovery a joint house so doesn't have to be this product but I mean most people the mindset them I said that had an especially when I was younger was well NO2 Maximusmy joints on her right now so I really don't care take anything maybe I’ll take to them when they start hearting well the goal here is preventive maintenance so by taking a